This Is How It Is....

Thursday, September 07, 2006

This is ridiculous....

So, let me just get straight to the point - the water at my apartments has been off for about 5 hours now. C'mon...are you kidding me? This sux! I have 2 small children, and it's not a secret that things can get pretty messy. No toilet flushing, no clothes washing, no dish-washing, no children bathing, no hand-washing...nothing. So, my children are gettin' cleaned by bein' wiped down with baby wipes tonight. Oh yeah! Sure, their hair may be sticking straight up from whatever it is they wiped on their head - but whatever. They'll be alright. My husband will be really happy to hear that he can't take a shower when he gets home from work tonight. Can't wait! Luckily for me, I have found a way to make the toilet flush, or else I would be suffering when my wonderful husband gets home. How long can they make you go without water?? How hard can it be to fix a broken water main or whatever the problem is? I mean, really.
Oh well...time to stop complaining. I'm off to "bathe" my children. This should be interesting.


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