This Is How It Is....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

As the world turns....

It has clearly been like three years since I've been on this thing!! I just re-read all my posts.
Wow- like all 5?? It was kinda cool going down memory lane. I must say, life has certainly changed....

I am currently at work. I always said I'd never work outside of the home. Well, yeah...about that.
My husband is out of work again. That's always a fun time. I'm working for my Mother In Law's ex boyfriend. It's only 2 days a week, and he's very flexible with me. So, it's all good. I actually like my job. I'm still able to work with the kids w/ school stuff too. So, it's cool.

Tomorrow, my husband & I are gonna chaperone one of those beach trips I mentioned earlier. Our youth group is going to Shabbach tomorrow. I'm soooooooooo excited about it! I pray the Lord gets ahold of those young people like never before and the results are permanent and life-changing!!! Wheew! Amen & Amen!!! lol

Well, I intended to write more, but I just don't feel like it right now. Imagine that.
Maybe I'll write more later.

Oh yeah...I definitely never lost that weight. Why can't I ever stick to it!?!? UGH!!!


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