This Is How It Is....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

As the world turns....

It has clearly been like three years since I've been on this thing!! I just re-read all my posts.
Wow- like all 5?? It was kinda cool going down memory lane. I must say, life has certainly changed....

I am currently at work. I always said I'd never work outside of the home. Well, yeah...about that.
My husband is out of work again. That's always a fun time. I'm working for my Mother In Law's ex boyfriend. It's only 2 days a week, and he's very flexible with me. So, it's all good. I actually like my job. I'm still able to work with the kids w/ school stuff too. So, it's cool.

Tomorrow, my husband & I are gonna chaperone one of those beach trips I mentioned earlier. Our youth group is going to Shabbach tomorrow. I'm soooooooooo excited about it! I pray the Lord gets ahold of those young people like never before and the results are permanent and life-changing!!! Wheew! Amen & Amen!!! lol

Well, I intended to write more, but I just don't feel like it right now. Imagine that.
Maybe I'll write more later.

Oh yeah...I definitely never lost that weight. Why can't I ever stick to it!?!? UGH!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

This is ridiculous....

So, let me just get straight to the point - the water at my apartments has been off for about 5 hours now. C'mon...are you kidding me? This sux! I have 2 small children, and it's not a secret that things can get pretty messy. No toilet flushing, no clothes washing, no dish-washing, no children bathing, no hand-washing...nothing. So, my children are gettin' cleaned by bein' wiped down with baby wipes tonight. Oh yeah! Sure, their hair may be sticking straight up from whatever it is they wiped on their head - but whatever. They'll be alright. My husband will be really happy to hear that he can't take a shower when he gets home from work tonight. Can't wait! Luckily for me, I have found a way to make the toilet flush, or else I would be suffering when my wonderful husband gets home. How long can they make you go without water?? How hard can it be to fix a broken water main or whatever the problem is? I mean, really.
Oh well...time to stop complaining. I'm off to "bathe" my children. This should be interesting.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

...he can't scream forever...

So, as I sit here, I hear the what seems like never-ending screams of my 3 year old son. First and foremost, I must say that he is all out spoiled. My daughter is also. But, I'm not sure if that is to blame for the current screaming. Sometimes when he wakes up or gets woken up, he'll scream and wail and cry for what seems like forever. He'll say some things during this rant and rave, but I can almost never understand what he is saying, aside from "mommy," "daddy," and "leave me alone." So, he fell asleep on the couch at about 7:30 or 8:00. Too late for a nap, but somewhat too early for him to be out for the night. Anyway, I go to move him into a more comfortable he doesn't fall off the couch or wake up w/ cramps or somethin in his neck. And, what is the thanks I get??? The previously mentioned screams. Well, I've tried to reason with him. Tried to tell him to calm down. Tried to lay down w/ him. Offered him various alternatives, and still - the screams are continuing. So, I tell him I'm through. Through with trying to come to some sort of an agreement with him. This seems to upset him, as the screams have grown louder and even more, if possible, obnoxious. As of right now, I am trying my best to ignore him, and not let him know I can hear him. And here I am, this is what has brought me to blog. I have decided to write until he stops. So, right now, we're at about 20 minutes of continuous screams. *sigh* Life is good. What could be better? A screaming child in your ear with the wonderful background noise of HGTV. "Divine Design," to be more specific. That Candace lady is awesome. My child now wants me to look at him, so lets see what happens from here. Okay, the verdict is in. He wants me to hold him. Now he wants to love me. Okay, fine...I'm giving in. But, I must say that this will put him back to sleep and I can be on my merry way to finishing up my show in peace. Good night, and good luck!

Monday, March 06, 2006

A Few Things.....

There are a few things I wanna write about.
1. My husband did the sweetest thing. On Saturday night, he was really tired. At about 9:30 pm, I asked him to cook me a grilled cheese sandwich, because his are sooooooooo good, and I can't cook anyway. So, he said okay, I will. Well, he ended up falling asleep. I was in the middle of finishing this book that I couldn't stop reading. So, I was up reading until like 4:00 am. But, at about 2 am, he woke up. He went in the living room and kitchen for a little bit. About 30 minutes later, he's like are you thirsty. I said, no, not really. He said, no, let me get you a drink. So, he got my glass and went into the kitchen. It had been about 10 minutes and he hadn't returned yet. I'm like geez. What is taking so long? So, then, here he comes with my drink and my grilled cheese sandwich. I had forgotten about it and never thought he would've remembered. It was too sweet.

2. I must say again, God is AWESOME. As I said before, I youth group went on a little beach tripi for a youth conference. Well, my brother and sister both went. Anytime our youth groups go to these things, they always come back during the Sunday evening service, and they're all fired up. So, when they came back yesterday like that, I pretty much expected it. Well, I direct the program for my show, so we were supposed to be recording that night. I stayed out in service during the praise and worship. (We're still in Revival) So, they were so pumped up, the evangelist called them and whoever else up to the altar to praise. And so everyone went. Well, the Holy Ghost fell. It was crazyyyyy! If anyone knows my sister, she can be kind of shy, especially with people she doesn't know. Well, when I looked in her direction she was praying for people and praising the Lord like I've never seen ANYONE do before, much less her. I mean it was awesome. The Lord moved on me, and I was dancing in the Spirit, something I've never done before. The Lord was using me, I was praying for people and full of the Joy of the Lord. I loved it. It was like nothing I've ever experienced in my life. God has revealed His self to me so much more cleary than He ever has. His touch is amazing. After service, my sister was still praying for people. We went to her house after church, and when we got there, she was already there, praying for my grandparents, rebuking demons, and the spirit of alcoholism and witchcraft, claiming healilng over their bodies and minds, pleading the blood of Jesus. It was spectacular. I am so excited about what God is doing in our church and our family. He is great. I love Him.

Okay, so maybe I just had 2 things I wanted to write about! Hallelujah!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


So, I just think God is awesome. That's all I wanted to say right now. We are going into our 5th week of revival, and I've seen him do miraculous things. He's wonderful. I'm so grateful for what He's done in my life, and I pray that he uses me and my family to do His will! Love ya Lord!!!